Weather in Granada
What's the average temperature for each season? Wha's the best time to visit Granada? Check the weather forecast for the city and find out what it's like to visit Granada in winter or summer.
Weather in Granada
Granada's climate is somewhere between Mediterranean and semi-arid, given its strategic location in the middle of the Granada depression. The city is about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the coast and is surrounded by mountain ranges.
This unique location makes it possible that the thermal variations registered on the same day can exceed 20ºC (68ºF).
Also, rainfall is quite scarce throughout the year, with a slight increase in the month of September and in the winter months. In summer it is common for the region to experience several droughts in succession.
Granada during winter
The weather in Granada can be quite cold in winter, with regular frosts and temperatures ranging from 6 to 11ºC (41 to 51ºF). The coldest month is January and frosts are very frequent in December, January, and February.
Granada during summer
Although it does not reach the temperatures of Cordoba or Seville, Granada's summer is pretty hot. The average temperature is over 20ºC (68ºF) during the months of June to September. This is the hottest time of the year and heat waves are very frequent. The maximum temperatures can reach 35ºC (95ºF) and July is the warmest month of the year.
Best time to visit Granada
The city's contrasting climate, with very cold months in winter and very hot months in summer, means that the best time to travel to Granada is either in spring or autumn. Granada has a lot of daylight hours throughout the year, so it is best to choose these two seasons to enjoy milder temperatures.
In summer, temperatures are very high and the opening hours of many museums and monuments are reduced. Although in winter it is colder, tourist attractions are open until later and it is an excellent time for skiing enthusiasts to enjoy the Sierra Nevada.